still sick. some new symptoms, others cleared up. still miserable but now in new and exciting ways that ive never experienced before! [weak cheering!] 😒

nurse told me that theyve noticed that antigen tests throw false negatives frequently unless youve been symptomatic for over 24 hours. which i hadnt been for the last one 😩

pharmacy pcr test gave me results, but the requisition number didnt match the one they gave me at test administration time so idk if theyre even my results. went to my usual doctor network to get another... 😒

missed my appt with psychiatrist cuz i was shitting my brains out away from fone... it wasn't even within the appt time!! was going to ask for smthn that might help w the brain fog 😣 i needed that!! aaaaAaaaa

i was able to order groceries and do some other prep for if i get worse sometime soon. i have a fever, meow 😞
